A public service announcement: Do not under any circumstances play Kinect Sports Volleyball at 1:30 a.m. while standing under a ceiling fan with a dangling chain for a light switch. You could conceivably spike it into your year-old amazing TV, causing it to die with a rainbow LCD teardrop dripping down from the impact wound.
Plus you'll lose the match by forfeit.
Addendum: If you feel sorry for me buy my book, Secrets of a Stingy Scoundrel (makes a great Christmas gift) and help take the pain away.
Its an Insignia... I am sure it wasn't too expensive.. Still sad though a TV is a TV. However for 1,000 bucks you can get you a 50 Inch 3DTV with 2 sets of glasses made by Samsung at Best Buy.com
A 3d Tv for 1k? Show me a link because I havent seen one for under $1500.
Here's the link. Took me 90 seconds.
It's a year old, that's like 10 years old in TV years. You did the right thing.
How do we know this isn't fake? There's a shiny twinkle where the hole is supposed to be. And the rainbow streaks could have been photoshopped.
@tplarkin7, there isn't a physical crack on the surface of the screen. When the TV is off you can't see any damage. When you try to turn it on it gets no picture except for the internal gunshot-like image and that rainbow tear.
@tplarkin7, he's managed to poke a hole in the LCD panel, not the clear plastic that covers it. Through that hole, you're seeing the white backlight, in a star-shape because of his digital camera. The rainbow streaks are caused by those columns of pixels having their liquid crystal leak out such that they are no longer able to polarize, leaving them permanently red, green, or blue (depending on the column). All-in-all, it looks rather consistent to me.
Well, you were interfacing with a Microsoft product. Something was bound to break.
I think I have this exact same TV. DH would love to kill it so he can get a 3D TV. He won't be getting the Kinect for Christmas!
That's a real spike!
who really gives a sh****
wow...nice spike
That's just how realistic the Kinect is, right? We love it, it's so fun. I am sorry you broke your TV though. If it makes you feel better, you probably won't be the last.
Phil, TV's are for watching Zombie movies on! You, if anyone, should know that.
"28 Days" not Kinect.
The Blue Screen of Death has managed to reinvent itself at long last.
First off, who plays Kinect Sports Volleyball at 1:30 in the morning while under a ceiling fan with a dangling chain for a light switch?
Next, how do we know its not fake. You really are a moron.
@MasterGuns, it really happened. But either I am a genius at photoshop and viral storytelling or I am an idiot for breaking my TV by doing something stupid. You can't have it both ways.
I don't see how this happened O.o
Did you rip the chain off with your hand and it flew right into the screen? If so, how much does this beast of a chain weigh to break the Panel?!
The chain is aluminum, I think, and maybe six inches long. I knocked it off its bearing with a swipe and the force was strong enough to crack the innards of the TV without damaging the screen surface.
I guess it's safe to say that the chain...kinected?
@Shmoobaka lol that's funny
That really sucks man, a good friend of mine lost his new tv when he got the Wii, due to a faulty strap. Nintendo was nice enough to pay for his tv though. Maybe you can send your story into microsoft and ask for reimbursment for being able to give people this warning. Also beware of move, it has no straps on those controllers.
Its an Insignia I am sure it was not too expensive.. Still sad though a TV is a TV. However for 1,000 bucks you can get you a 50 Inch 3DTV with 2 sets of glasses made by Samsung.
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all that from a chain pull? Wow...tough luck. Well there is an upside to all of this...
Needed a bigger room
Absolutely, uniqueness can sometimes come at a cost. Your experience, breaking your TV with Kinect, serves as a reminder that innovation can have its moments of trial and error. It's these real-life stories that make the journey of technology all the more fascinating, even if it involves some unexpected TV repairs. Thanks for sharing your adventure!
from: Embroidery Name Patches
TV with Kinect brings entertainment to life with its interactive and immersive experience. Whether gaming, exercising, or simply navigating menus, Kinect transforms the way we interact with our TVs, making every action feel natural and engaging. It's more than just watching; it's participating in a dynamic and innovative way.
UK Embroidery Digitizing Company
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