Thursday, March 28, 2019

Book Report: "Wuthering Heights"

Wuthering HeightsWuthering Heights by Emily Brontë
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

At its best, "Wuthering Heights" is elegant and contemplative. Grim and seductive. Brutal and casually indifferent to suffering.

At its worst, it's a tedious bore.

Emily Bronte's novel wavers from the highs to lows, occasionally lathering up enough momentum to justify its status as a beloved, relentlessly deconstructed literary classic.

Groundbreaking for its time, the prose pushed boundaries of propriety, including grotesque scenes of psychological torture and violence that paved the way for gothic novelists of the future.

Joanne Froggett's spirited reading in the Audible version adds some heft to the material, but no matter how hard she tries, there isn't much urgency to the storytelling.

Through the lens of time, "Wuthering Heights" may continue to tower over British literature as a phenomenon to be appreciated. As a modern read, though, it stumbles rather than soars.

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