A chilling jaunt into the realm of Korean horror, "The Coma 2: Vicious Sisters" ratchets up the sense of dread and anticipation as you elude an indomitable stalker.
Running from the formidably demonic Dark Song, a force of grim terror that seems to serve as a metaphor for regret and lingering angst, you play as troubled high school student Mina Park.
To survive, you slink around your school and the outskirts, meeting odd characters who can either help or thwart you along the way.
Playing at times with the feel of a visual novel, you overcome occasional gameplay obstacles to stick with the tense, evolving storylines. While puzzles tend to trap you in bottlenecks at times to stall the momentum, the pacing is strong enough to keep you coming back for more.
Light RPG elements, including crafting, as well as some touches of hidden picture point-and-click games make appearances, combining for a hybrid experience that feels nothing like the norm.
While "The Coma 2" may be too esoteric for some tastes, developer Devespresso Games thrives on offbeat creativity to channel its dark vision to light. This strange descent into an otherworldly horrorscape is worth a look for those yearning to be shaken out of their comfort zones.
Publisher provided review code.
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