Friday, November 10, 2017

"America's Greatest Game Shows: Jeopardy and Wheel of Fortune" Review

"Jeopardy" and "Wheel of Fortune" have been natural fits for video game adaptations since the NES games, with each generation nudging the adaptations closer to the genuine articles.

Far more than the quick and dirty adaptations they could have been, both games include loads of variety in questions, authentic sights and sounds from the game show and plenty of reasons to keep coming back for more.

Both games offer extensive online options, connectivity with Ubisoft Club and options for quick matches.

Excellent for get-togethers, family game nights or couples competition, "America's Greatest Game Shows" is a superb compilation that distills the best of the enduring game shows, translating them to gamedom. Here's hoping a steady flow of online updates keeps the question banks refreshed to maintain the replayability factor.

Publisher provided review code.

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