Monday, July 30, 2018

"1979 Revolution: Black Friday" Review

Following the Telltale Games template, the tense. somber adventure game "1979 Revolution: Black Friday" hurls you into chaos into the chaos of the Iranian Revolution.

Working against machinations on all side that can take you down, you need to think quickly, making the right dialogue choices and physical actions to buy yourself some time. A wrong move could find you in a chair being tortured, locked up in prison or snuffed out entirely.

After a 2016 release on mobile platforms and Steam, the game comes to Switch. The bigger screen makes it easier to read the text and follow the QTE prompts. The gameplay holds up well to the likes of "The Walking Dead' and "Batman: A Telltale Adventure," which it imitates.

The stylized visuals pop with vibrant, expressionistic flair, making you feel as though you're playing through an interactive graphic novel. The writing is taut and unpredictable, making for a fast-paced narrative that plays out various ways depending on the quick, often ill-advised choices you find yourself pushed into making.

Intelligent and poignant, "1979 Revolution: Black Friday" knows its subject matter well and makes history come alive in all its ugly, bustling tension. 
Publisher provided review code.

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